Saturday, June 7, 2014

Last Days....

So these were the last two days...not too bad.  Overall, it was a pretty productive year.  We got just about all the  boys out to at least one class--except for one.  We had our ups and our downs, the video above shows one of our ups, yippee In any case, I have a pretty strong feeling that I'll be back for next year, a bit wiser, a bit tougher, a bit ready to handle getting up and doing the damn  So here is the last doodle, some pictures a another video.  I hope that you guys will keep coming to the site through the summer, because I will still be working with kids, just in a different capacity.  Ok, on to the fun-ness!!!

So the 2nd to the last day of school was pretty fun.  We played bean bag toss outside, and the boys were pretty good.  We made end of the year awards with fun titles, like one got the "You can't handle the truth" award, or the "dictator" award.  In any case, it was a good day, we did our bit of cleaning, and not much else.  I think we may have watched a movie--so glad it's done!!

And this was the last day!!!!  I was on time, for the last time, lol.  We went to the park in the morning, and I was joking with one of the boys about staying positive.  What I ended up doing was grabbing a leaf off the tree and smacking him with it, saying, "its the leaf of positivity, you will be positive!!"  He was laughing and it became contagious with some of the other kids.  I did take some pictures...and here they be!!

So all in all, it was a good year.  I am happy to announce that I will be doing my spoken word workshop this summer, and being paid for it--pretty exciting.  So be on the lookout for more post involving that experience.  So have a good safe summer all...I'm going to leave you with this last videos....they're just fun!!!  Happy Summer all!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Ending This Cra-Cray School Year

So the time has finally arrived...the last week of school!!!  I am always curious as to who is more excited; the kids, the paras, the custodians, the security guards, the teachers, counselors, or administration.  I know for me, I am excited, and happy.  It has been a very trying year; my lateness, being at a middle school, feelings of settling, outrageous behaviors, and of course my bad ass wardrobe. 

 It has been a struggle, but as I sit here listening to Les Nubians I am a bit relieved, a bit unsure (because I don't know if they want me to return), and excited about new opportunities with my other jobs EYC and teaching poetry through Grand Design.  So the doodles are a bit dated, because I haven't had the time to update things, so we have to go back to Tues. 5/13/14...but we're at the end of the year baby!!!...Today's date is May 2, two more days of our boys then summer is official!!

So this doodle has a bit of poetry on it, yaayyyy!! I can say, if nothing else, this experience and our boys did give me some inspiration for some poetry.  I ended up writing a poem entitled drip, (which I'll post after the doodle), but one of the boys in his own way inspired me to write this because they appear to waste so much time.  The boy in question is quite bright and very creative.  Probably one of our most creative kids.  But in any case, I wrote this piece and ended up doing a second doodle, so enjoy.


Drop off, drop
out, drip
Droopy Delinquent
goin’ down due
dominant disorder of
Your needs--
affective; your attitude,
defective, as you
attempt to
smile & smirk, your
slimy ass
through the jungle years
known as adolescence

Drip drop; Drop dip,
Dip down slippery slopes
as your mother’s hopes of
being, some kind of
hero to your (broken?) home--
Tear ducts
dominated by prison dreams
you conjured, at 15;
then 2 years later
became reality

Drip-drop, drop dip
drop off drop out
for you weren’t
diligent enough to
add, subtract, multiply, &
Your math skills
died due to
depravity & decapitation
of your ability to
decipher correct from
wrong; Riding
rails of downward spirals,
thought your site
would go viral
yet you ended up
becoming a victim--
violated by a capitalist
they bent you over
& fisted you
your economic
dropped down
to a factor of one.

Drip, drop, Drop
drip; Drop-off,
drop out,
ousted to the
enclaves of the of the prison complex
never realized
they had place your ass
back on that slave ship
drop, dip
your education slipped
as they slapped that
“special ed” tag upon your
dipping drooping
drip, drop;
dropped out--
allowed them to divide you
from economic advancement
subtracted from street life;
way of living illegal money hustling
hussled out as
your life,
dripped, dipped, &

Hey, thanks for sticking around after reading that long ass poem, you're the best!! Are you ready for more doodles...yea?!! Great, here they are...part II of the same day!!

So the whole "Drip" theme kinda struck in my head, and I'm currently working on a short story about The Adventures of Mental and Drip.  Hopefully I'll have a rough draft by the middle of this month, and some more stuff by the end of the summer, I am kinda a writer you, here's the next doodles.

So May 19th is a important day to me.  It's Bro. Malcolm X's birthday, and I really enjoy posting stuff on FB about him.  Therefore, for the most of this day, I did that, as well as take care of my boys in the room.  They struggled alot on this can I tell you ask...because there is not alot on this doodle.  May 19th is also the day I arrived in Denver three years ago--it was a life-saving experience, so I give much thanks for this day!!

It was just another usual day at the middle school.  One of kids had made a statement that the smoke detector was a camera, he was also busted for texting in the bathroom--silly silly boys!  On this day the school had their annual students vs. teachers basketball game.  I would have taken pictures, but my phone camera was acting up...sad face, because the teachers kicked the stuffing out the 

Our kids were pretty good this day.  I was off in my own world because I had been working alot on my music and poetry (check soundcloud ) and they had an assignment to work on a website and do a video about all the character traits we had learned through the year.  It was a decent day....  and don't forget to check the soundcloud...I do music

On Tuesdays I also have another responsibility.  From this doodle, can you tell what I do on Tuesdays?

So this was the last doodle that I've completed.  It's a mix of today 6-2 (even though it says 6-1) and Thursday of last week, 5/27/14.  So this is it.  We have two days left, so that means one or two more doodles.  It has been a pleasure doing this blog, and I may keep it up through the summer, and maybe next year.  Below are some pics of our room, and I'm putting them up because my teacher wanted one of us to take pics of the stuff we had on the walls for a here they are.  Until next time friends!!!