Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Indie. I never knew how complicated that small word would become in my world until I began wearing all of its different hats. Writer, poet, and performer.  Those were the first to adorn head wrappings; wrapped in favor, the flavor was mixed with the addicting aroma of mass acceptance. Swirling in self-perceived success, I drank the Kool-Aid; listened to the glowing compliments of the Courvoisier and Cush induced crowd, and threw caution to the wind. 

From being a writing poet, to live performer, the recording bug bit me with friends, so recording artist was yet another hook for another hat to hang.  These were, inspirations, which became dreams, which are now becoming goals.
However on the W-4 side of things, there was always a title; it was the hat that never fit snugly on.  It was short order cook, telemarketer, or customer service agent; never owner, never sovereign, never free.  Titles are good because they're consistent; they bring in money every two weeks. Even now, working part time with ends meeting like lovers at first sight, it's a title.  My title is supervisor, a boss, an administrator ad litem.  These entitlements, a given designation that described my situation for livelihood; never my true endeavor, never my true self.  The indie wasn't being represented as I slapped a burger on a grill, or counseled an at-risk youth.  There was always some burning line I had to write, some idea that was so persistent I placed customers in the holding hole just to jot it down, just to ease my soul, and own something. 
But indie is hard, it is unforgiving; it is a constant branding, and re-branding, building and interacting within the scope of hope.  
 I hope this crowd is kind, I hope I get booked for this paid show, I hope this publisher accepts this submission; I hope this publisher pays, I hope this book or cd sells.  

Hope and financial success have been at odds for centuries.  
Many times in thinking of being independent, I relate it to being free.  And that relation takes me to slavery.  It's when imagination takes over and the image of the slave owner is sitting on his high horse telling his gathering of ex-enslaved Africans-today, you are free.  It is connecting their feelings to my feelings, and receiving the unexpected.  Most would think there would be an overwhelming emotion of joy, and initially there would be.  However, as the joy would wear off, and reality would set in, there would be uncertainty, and fear.
Indie.  The best representation is the high-flying, high wire trapeze act that works without a net, at unimaginable heights.  For if a mistake is made, if the timing is off, there's not only tragedy, there is death.  But that is who they are. It is not only their livelihood, it is a choice they made which defines them.  It is brave, bold, daring; it's not the humdrum, nine to five, Monday through Friday, adhere to the ridged schedule, which the sheep-drones are doomed to.  
It is a risk, worth the reward that comes with the work of being free.  Indie, a chance taker, the unpredictable individual whose belief holds stronger than Peter's when the rock was removed on that first Easter.  The "indie", has risen
So what of the performer, the poet, the artist who runs to the edge with all their might, and flings themselves to the four winds with the belief air will catch them and flight will happen.  What of those individuals?  The artist, whose art form are their babies, whose convictions are so concrete, they are willing to hear a million "no's", just to get to reach that one "yes".  
 That one listener, or viewer, who says the artist's work, their performance, their "product" touched them so deep it changed their life.  It is an amazing feeling; a ground humbling experience that occurs when when someone approaches you and honestly tells you, that piece changed my life, thank you for your gift.  That is the present the artist gives; it is the hat that fits like new born skin, wrinkled but placed to perfection.

However, it is not the only hat that is worn by the artist.  She or he also wears the suit of the promoter, the shoes of the salesman, the cane of protector, the eyeglasses of the editor who has to eye-ball contracts like some shade-tree lawyer, because law school was just not in the plans.  Indie. In the beginning, and sometimes throughout the journey, it is only themselves, their art, and doubt.  Doubt from family, from friends, from the old artist who shoos them away like some annoying child asking for a hand-up to get ahead. There is even doubt from self as Ramen becomes their staple as dreams fade from fatigue.  But the artist is stubborn, tenacious and unwilling to yield to the doubt.
I have dreamt the dream, worn the hat, suit, shoes, eyeglasses, and used the cane to beat the hell out the dream until I relegated it to a hobby.  Yet alas what an expensive hobby it has become.  Used computers, keyboards, saxophones, printers; mounds of money for editing, mastering, promotions-these are the tools of a writer, a poet, a performer, an artist, an author, a publisher.  
But I'm still an artist, still love to write, to perform, and to create.  Yet I hate the suit of the promoter, and the shoes of the salesman. However I carry the cane of the protector, promising lumps to any thief who dares darken my journal. It is the poet in me who stays up till 4 am, zoned out like a zombie on ‘shrooms. I stay engulfed in emotion until every notebook page has an explosion of ink, lead, crayon, or sharpie covering every inch.  
 The writer in me gets lost in bookstores, hordes the thesauruses like its lifeblood, and is attached to a laptop like it's an extension of my hand.  The musician was reborn of the bored poet.  With fingers unclenched from the pen, they spread far and wide for piano and saxophone keys.   He is shy, intimidated by people with guitars who've studied and mastered the craft as if it were a religious experience.  Yet the musician is the ultimate wingman; always down to dawn the saxophone case, crashing whosever open mic, filled with the singer/song-writer types, knowing the poet will always take center stage. 
The hats free me, as suits and titles constrain creativity while allowing the sustainment of livelihood.  Indie, a complex convoluted weaving of webbed personalities.  With the onslaught of one thought, the wheels spin from poem to music, to essay to marketing, to promoting, all the while juggling the emotion of insecurity.  I am the unknown artist, yet I am a poet, an author, a publisher, and promoter.  
Online I'm known by Poet402, on-stage Clarence or Nabraska, and when the books hit the stand, it's the combo Clarence ‘poet402' Barbee.  Find me, follow me, and get to know me!  And of course support me and buy the socks off my feet!

Clarence Barbee is the self-published author of Chicken Soup and A Shot of Jack,  as well as various cd's including "Poetry, Politics, and Prose", and "The ‘E' CD".  He welcomes any comments or concerns you have, just email him,

Friday, September 4, 2015


Man, I've gone through the ringer with this post...please understand and enjoy this one b/c it took ALOT of work!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Straight Outta Compton

Just came from the NWA, Straight Outta Compton movie, and damn… It made me miss my homies, my home, shit, it made me proud, and made me miss hip-hop.

I realize I’m at an age where I have some history behind me; whether the history be bad or good, it happened, and a big part of you knows and understands that it’s never coming back.  Hip-hop has changed, reality has change, but as much as all this change is occurring, so much of the bigger picture, the world and the hood are remaining the same.  To me, this movie captured #blacklives matter like no hash tag ever will.

Please understand that I am, have been, and always will be a huge Ice Cube fan.  Like the movie said, it began with Eazy, it began with NWA, it began with Boyz-N-The-Hood, Gangsta Gangsta, and of course Fuck the Police.  There’s a clip that’s widespread of Cube being on the bus and somebody referring to him as a poet—that’s real, he’s a fuckin’ poet, whenever you get through.  In that mindset, understand the times, then and now.  Now we have Sandra Clark, Treyvonne, and Missouri; yesteryear it was Rodney King, police brutality, and free speech.  Poets have spoke on these issues yesteryear, this year, last year, and unfortunately or not next year, because you best believe, unfair racially charged situations will always occur.

NWA is hip-hop.  NWA is hip-hop. NWA is hip-hop.  You can call it gansta rap, you can call it reality rap, but in the end it will be placed on the same shelf next to KRS-1, Run DMC, Slick Rick, Rakim, and all the other classic Artist who helped bring this art-form…form.  Watching this movie was like a history lesson of times gone by through music, through experience…it was not some after school show!  Music has been and always will be a huge part of the black experience, this movie deserves to be included in that experience, in that history—because this shit happened.

Fuck you if you feel like I’m jumpin’ all over the place, but that’s just where I am right now…in any case, this movie was about friendship as well.  And it showed the most unlikely of friendships.  NWA was, is, and are, a bunch of hood niggas. And no or sees a hood nigga as being human.  amerikkka has always portrayed Black males as inhuman, and to a certain extent, NWA personified this more than most.  This movie made a big attempt to balance that, to show the humanness of Black males, of hood niggaz, of my generation of Black men.  I watched this movie, bobbed my head to the tracks, lipped the lyrics, and rapped along with them as well as everyone else in the theatre; yet I’m not sure if everyone else was thinking of their time growing up with their friends, their patnas, their homies…but I was.  I thought of the time I was in 6th grade with a boom box bumpin the NWA tape on it, I thought of the many 3-way conversations my homies and I had back in jr. high about who was the best lyricist, and I thought about being in college, waitin’ on Tupac’s double cd to come out while I was bumpin’ Snoop, Dre, and Cube in the dorm room.

Cube and Dre (and Tamika) couldn’t go wrong with this movie, period point blank.  They did a great job in documenting the history; the riots, the concerts, the police brutality—all that.  One of the things I appreciate the most about this film, is it from the perspective of Black males of my generation.  My big homie T, and I agree that Black men are the pit bulls of society.  This means we protect, we do it with force, we don’t apologize, we are loyal, we are loveable—but amerikkka has never and will appreciate it.  So I take this moment to appreciate Straight Outta Compton, and appreciate NWA—MC Wren, DJ Yella, Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, and of course my nigga Eazy E!


Saturday, August 15, 2015

Thank You's for All the Tour Stops!!

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back!!!  It's August 15th which means the virtual tour Goddess Fish Promotions did for me, sadly has come to an end.  I want to take this time and humbly thank them for the wonderful job they did in arranging all the excellent stops.  If anyone ever needs to do a virtual tour, I highly recommend these ladies!

So Chicken Soup and A Shot of Jack officially released on June 18th, and what a wonderful response  it has gotten!  The first stop on the tour was at Books Chatter and boy did she do a wonderful job at putting the Q&A together!! I was impressed with the amount of research she did!  I just want to thank 

for the wonderful job that was done on the post for Chicken Soup and A Shot of Jack!  Here is the link for the post on the book:  Books Chatter Q&A

The second stop on the tour occurred on June 25th with Lisa Haselton's reviews and interviews.  Lisa is 

such a great lady, and her post was so well structured!  I was so honored to be a part of her audience.  Thank you again Lisa!  Here is a link for the post she put together: Lisa Haselton's Interview

Next up on the same day was Deal Sharing Aunt.  I had such a fun time doing the interview, and 
responding the to comments.  She is a fellow blogger who uses this same platform.  I was also glad of the excerpt of They Never Told Us! Just another great writer with a knack for blogging!  Here is a link: Deal Sharing Aunt

On July 9th, came The Reading Addict.  I was grateful to be able to flex my blogging muscles on this one as I went into depth about what I thought the strongest attractions to my genre (literary fiction) was.  It was great to be able to write about my love of poetry and developing a story.  You can check out the post and make sure you check out the excerpt from the essay Black Lives Matter.  Here is a link: The Reading Addict

Next up, a week later was Unabridged Andra's!  This one I really enjoyed because I was able to do a short sort of essay on being an Underdog!!  She did a great great job of connecting with the theme and 

really putting the visuals of it to work! Great job again!  Here is a link to the post, enjoy it with all your heart!: Unabridged Andra's

On the 23rd of July we hit up Laurie's Thoughts and Reviews.  I loved doing this interview.  

It made me dig inside of me and find out some of the struggles that I have with developing stories.  It also allowed me to let people know my love of music, and how I play the saxophone--badly, lol.  Here is a link to the interview, and by all means enjoy it!: Laurie's Thoughts and Reviews

At the end of July on the 30th was Long and Short Reviews.  This was a sort of inspirational post as I dove into the balancing act between life and writing.  We, as writers know the struggle that comes with being a writer; pay the bills, find time to write, burp the baby, 

find time to write, make love to our significant other, get up from the wet spot, and find time to write!  This post doesn't dive that deep into all that, but it's very enjoyable!  Here's a link to it: Long and Short Reviews

****On and into August we plotted on thorough the rigors of moving in my personal life, as I made the virtual jump over to Author Amanda Kimberly's place!  This post for some reason didn't get any comments or responses.  It was also the most personal I got on the whole tour. In this post I got really deep on the inspirations that came from the troubles that life handed me.  So please go by and check this one out for sure! Here's the link.  Author Amanda Kimberly's  *****

Also on the 6th of August It's Raining Books was a second stop on the tour.  This was indeed a fun stop as well.  I received the opportunity to talk about my writing quirks, and other odd 

questions like "what was to the right of me?"  So I definitely had some fun with this one.  Make sure you go by, if you haven't and check out:  It's Raining Books

The last stop was a great stop, on August 13th, at Room with Books!  After having done all these interviews and questionnaires, it was almost a bit of a relief that the tour was coming to an end.  But I couldn't have landed on a better spot than Room with Books.  I loved this post 

because the font she used was amazing, and I'm a huge lover of funky/amazing fonts! I was also able to dive into the fun parts of my past as well as giving some insight into what's up next for this author!  Yep I said it, I'm an author and I ain't done yet.  So go by and check out Room with Books.

So I believe that's all the tour stops.  A big thank you goes out again to Goddess Fish Promotions you ladies are the greatest!

I just found out I got my first 5 Star Review!!! Thanks Michael!!

And if you haven't picked up your copy of Chicken Soup and A Shot of Jack, then click the link, get the download and help this author put $1.99 worth of gas in his car, because that's all the book cost!!  

There's also a page up on Facebook, so if you're broke right now, it don't cost anything to go and LIKE the book, even if u ain't read it!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Because I don't like when I'm lied to (Herman's Hideaway)

So the night of 7/25 really happened.  I became so frustrated with the lies from a promoter, I ended up doing a lil video about it.  The most I can say to any indie/underground hip hop artist is,

if you involve yourself with promoters and people who lie, then you, your name, and brand become soiled.  Know bullshit when you smell it, and leave it alone.

And for all my other followers/supporters/friends, I would apologize for my language, but hopefully by now you know me a bit better; however if you are offended I apologize in advance.  Ashe

You ain't got to lie to kick it Craig...or in this case Herman's Hideaway (Denver)

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Charleston, The SC AME Church Shooting

Charleston, SC, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church shot up—someone remind me, what year is it?  

Our latest distractions have centered around the ex-NAACP leader from Washington state, Rachel Dolezal, and her delusional identity issues.  

However, a young white male, who received a gun for his birthday, has now shot up a church.  Yes these issues surround mental health, yes these issues surround identity, and yes these issues still involve race, hate, and racism—yes, racism still exist.

I believe we all can agree one of the top ten crimes of humanity, would be the bombing of a place of worship, or the shooting of it’s congregation; whether it be a church, synagogue, or mosque.  There is outrage, there is anger, there are all these emotions we take to our place of worship, for it is there we can receive solace, we can receive some peace—how ironic.  

We are not in a state of shock, for this is not the first time we’ve witnessed a church being victimized by violence—we are four little girls short of history, if we are of that thinking.  We are in mourning; our place of worship has been desecrated and decimated by destruction and hate—again.

There is the ideology of white supremacist groups in the news, and the question of if this young man was a member of any of the groups.  On Twitter, my news feed is full of young and old African-Americans tweeting “don’t bring up black on black issues with this story” or “once the perp is caught, wait for the mental illness defense.”  This is very much a race issue, and a real issue, unlike the jokes and non-issues, which surrounded Rachel Dolezal.  

I am reminded of the group Public Enemy, and the logo that accompanied any concert a person attended—that of a black shadow in the cross-hairs, a target. 
That is today, that was last summer (#blacklivesmatter); I am feeling like prey more than ever. 

Our President, Brotha Obama, had eloquent words on the State Sen. Clementa C. Pinckney.  Like it or not, it’s a political issue, it’s a racial issue, it’s a multi-faceted issue that brings up old American issues still unresolved.  I am hopeful that we are having conversations on race, on religion, on gun control, on hate, and listening.  

I am hoping that we are having conversations on white privilege, and hoping that white people listen.  I hope that we are angry, and I hope we heal.  These are deep scars, old scars, from wounds older than the Constitution and Emancipation Proclamation. 

I am unsure as to what can be done.  There are laws in place, however fear, and mistrust are in place as well.  There will be time for an answer, for additional questions, yet now is the time to mourn.  Now is the time we express our anger and frustration, and mourn for the nine who are no longer with us. 

We will do as we have been doing, and support each other.  Even now in Aurora, CO, there is an extra head nod from my brothas and sistas I pass by on the street.  There are extra pounds, hugs, and warnings of “watch ya back.”  There is a readiness for justice, yet no amount of justice can bring back the nine who lost their lives to the senseless actions of one white young male.

Friday, June 5, 2015

New Book Cover, Promo Video, Release Date & Info

With great anticipation I am announcing the date for my new book Chicken Soup and A Shot of Jack!  With the help from the great ladies at my book tour is set to launch on JUNE 18TH!!  Below is the banner the wonderful ladies over at Goddessfish did for me.  Overjoyed, excited, nervous are just some of the emotions I've got going on right now.

Here is the cover for the book--love the homie Toye (hit her up on Facebook) who did her thang and hooked me up.  I can not say enough about this wonderfully talented lady!  She is the with her words and poetry, she is super talented with her graphic design as you can see, and she hooked up my promo video which is amazing!!

The book will be on Amazon so keep your ears to the ground and eyes open.  You can always check me out on my website  and you can find me on twitter 
because I be getting my tweet on, or you can link with me on the almighty Facebook, through the book page--make sure you like the page and leave a comment!!