Friday, July 8, 2016


Ain’t united,
Ain’t the same.
Shouldn’t have to say
Black Lives Matter
but we do
because for some,
it don’t.

ain’t producin’
a solution.
Hashtags & videos
ain’t savin’ lives
(but then again, neither are police)

Can I call it
a sad day
when an army veteran
becomes a sniper,
kills police,
and is referred to
as evil?

or do i call him
a Hero
who took action
against injustice?

ain’t the solution
ain’t the solution
Body Cams
ain’t the solution
ain’t the answer
Change the Culture

Until you can
see me, us, we,
as humans
this climate
will continue
And I will
to be

©2016 Clarence Barbee

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

In Response to Burning Houses

I don’t want to
post no more
protest poetry
in response to
slain captives of this land.

No amount of
angry rhetoric
will ever bring back
those big smiles
of our brothers and sisters,
we were forced to
lay to rest.

Don’t want no more
IG memes or hash-tags
as we become
arm-chair revolutionaries
with our
push button politics
protesting crooked policies
of police who hold the power.

Malcolm told us
about burning houses
yet we refused to listen;
so now we
suffer the consequences
in flames.

As my condolences
go out to families,
I ask,
Where is the justice
in this experiment
called integration?
Where is the justice
in this experiment
called america?

There is no justice
body cams
cell phone cams
dashboard cams

lady liberty is blind,
when it comes to

Black folk.