Sunday, December 30, 2018

last for 18--spoken word

Greetings for the last time, for this year of '18.  It was a good one for me, hard, but good.  I know my family/friends have felt the grind, I know the city has felt the grind, and I know this nation has felt the grind.  So please enjoy this short one, as we put to bed one number, and wake another.  

May this end bring you peace, may the new beginning bring you renewed joy.  The typed version is just  below the video. 

Happy '19 ya'll happy 2-0-1-9!


Still there
still care, like carousels, we
ride in circles.
Don’t know if it’s the
“O” in the Word or
the “O” in the Love
we rotate on the rhythm
of past memories,
future maybe’s
consistently inconsistent
we sit silently--in comfort.
Uncomfortable in the present
so we pre-sent options
to our optics; retina scans
for social media, not
taking into account, our accounts
have been accessed for
other’s bank statements
Can’t count on the Fed
so we scale up with
fam and friends, at ends to
get ends, stay happy and
wave a limb when we can,
because some so-called triple-amputee
raisin’ Go-Fund-Me monies
for massive wall uprisin’--
These dummies so funny;
never shocked or surprised
(always stay frank--)
when the villain runs away with all
their bank,
(what do you think they’ll say?)
Stay Safe
Stay Relentless
Stay Real (as fuck) as
teen years end
on this new millennium
and the heels of hate
keep clickin’ and calendar
pages turnin’ from
18 to 19 to 20--
Maybe at or before 21, we can relieve
ourselves of the need for
guns and control elections
which were stolen by strong-hold dictators
east of us.  Unable to be seen
from Alaska’s back yard--
I think y'all get my meaning,
keep dreaming as we put
Kris Kringle to sleep,
and pull the covers up over

good ole ‘18

Monday, December 17, 2018

(Mirror Reflection) ?Workers Health Mental for Matters Health Mental Does

It is the ending of snacks, signaling the final call on the night. The fresh step of staff’s new bounce; a finale in the making. Far enough into the night, far enough into the work, for enough time passed where thin pinned patience somehow gets fatter, gets thicker, re-grows like skin cells to reach that final hour.

When the stale and musk air somehow clears just enough to breathe again, heavy fog seemingly whisks away allowing dry eyes to moisten and see gleaming, sparkling light.  Although it is dark, a day worked, is not a day wasted, and when in service to others, there is purpose. Purpose other than bottom lines of a financial sheet.
To care is the purpose, unlike any other.

Care not like cashiers keeping crush-happy canned goods from vulnerable bread loaves.  Care not like the malevolent manager fretting over late, overworked, work staff. Care not like callus teachers of their intolerable students or “the oldest professionals” of their johns, or filth collectors of full, plastic, cracked trash bins on Tuesday and/or Thursday.  

Care for unbalanced individuals; unable to function in free, yet judgemental and four cornered society.  There is no talking to yourself in the mirror, free and clear on the outs. The box will come, red and blue lights will come, handcuffs will come, the struggle, the violence, the lock, key, can’t go, have to stay, will come.  
The paranoia is real. The delusions are real.

The six small fairies standing on the edge of the doorway refusing to let them in, is real.
So the care, has to be real.

Work laughter comes at a price.  Equal to, or greater than the delusion, triggering complex and intricate paranoia, a simple giggle is like lighting the fuse for Macy’s 4th of July fireworks.
So the care has to work.

It’s the gathering; the glorious granting of group involvement which at times, is despised the most. It is inconsequential information to some who may be incompetent, but run like shoes in a Nike factory in Malaysia--consistently.  It is checking in, cornering emotional well-being, hoping and searching for some semblance of balance.

We’re tracking, and we’re tracking, and we’re tracking
Did she just dig up her nose and rub it on that other patient?...damn.
There has to be responsibility and consistency

It is the voices, and vices, the asking for medications, for Maalox, or antidepressant, or anti-psychotics. It is asking for headphones, when headphones aren’t allowed at this time, or side conversations which involve the freezing of eggs, or the loud scream of “vaginal itch” that happens right as the group gets quiet.  It is anything to avoid the prescribed activity.
Checking in is a responsibility

Suppose to help, suppose to educate, suppose to help self regulate, but the most common response is: groups are redundant.  They don’t help, I’ve heard all that stuff before, I’ve been here 7 months, none of this is helping.  What would be helpful is one on one therapy, not all the group stuff.  Even though most have not given an honest effort to trying any of the suggestions, therapies, or coping skills, that are provided during group.
Emotional well being is a responsibility

But still we hold groups, and give the information.  Sometime for the pacing man wearing headphones who needs a break in the music, to put a break to his voices.  And other times for the new patient, first time admitted, looking scared and confused.
Safety and comfort are also responsibilities.

It’s the mid-point for break, but more like the quarter point, but break happens anyway. Where a precious 15 minutes is all that’s provided, for providers to paranoid, delusional...darlings?--yeah, that’s it, darlings.  It’s the time designed to resuscitate and renovate minds’ state to stay sane...but still deal with the unstable. And we have 15 minutes to do this.

So who should be where?--ok admin, ok

It is the list for dinner, the lining up of the impatient patients, the walking outside receiving refreshing, and sometimes brisk air--depending on the season.  It’s knowing your patients are (for the most part) pretty stable; there may be some pacing, or nonsensical talk (yes nonsensical is a word and a thing), or impatience.  But seldom is there drooling, or yelling, or refusing to do what is expected/told.

It’s welfare; the health and happiness of a group. Basic needs are not always basic.  

Back on unit some may refuse the need of nutrition.  May complain and curse limited choices which may lead to confrontation. Other issues arise when patient fingers want to slide-down-throat, dislodging nutrients from inside out.  And there are those who take two bites of finger food, scrunch face in disgust, then toss it out. With a 90 pound frame, the shame comes in the psychosis of what beauty and health appear to be.

It’s welfare, sometimes providing the basic needs is not always basic.

The beginning is never boring, the unknown usually isn’t.  Many times it’s busy, bustling, and bouncing with movement erratic.  Voices ranging from whispers to crashing conversations & the occasional yell, outburst, or naked bottom urinating on the half-assed cleaned linoleum.  
It’s a psych unit, some of this is to be expected.

Clocking in, the smell is usually immediate, diaphoretic, evil and feculent.  The thought of I signed up for this, and these are patients who are sick run through cerebral cortex.  Pleasantries are exchanged in hurried manner; from “happy about to get off” coworker, to “burnt out in disbelief they’re still coming in” co-worker.  But there are smiles nonetheless.
It’s a psych unit, some of this is to be expected.

There is report, or fill-in, or daily meeting where all the juicy details are described from the shift and/or shit-shift before. Intimate particulars are described, funny stories are shared, and some plans are hashed out. There remains a consistent ‘blind eye’ to the time that patients have spent ‘locked-down’ on the unit--sometimes it is the only way to get through the morning.
It’s a psych unit, some of this is to be expected.

It’s close to mid-morning and you awake, invigorated, the air is fresh, your mind clear; you are solid with life right now.  You’re up for your coffee, or shower, or first run, or cigarette, or first kiss to the love of your life. You’re so happy to be alive.  Your thoughts are yours, there is only you.

This is early morning hypnotist brokering good will to your psyche and spirit. Complete that goal today, the reflection you see is the best reflection.  Today is your day; you rise, you assist, you succeed.

It’s like Obama was your alarm clock while Oprah threw back the covers yelling “you get today, and you get today, and you get today, everybody gets today!!!”

Today you got this, confidence rides in the sole of your shoe boosting your steps with bounce and vigor.  Face the world with the fact that you can care for others because, I can take care of me.

I can take care of me.
I can take care of me
I can take care of me.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Odd Jobs & the #WritingCommunity

Odd jobs will always be a thing that writers will have to deal with.  Writing doesn't always pay the bills, and friends with ends to lend, ain't always around.  In this new age of self/desktop/immediate publishing, there is still the need for the odd or creative way to gain financial independence.  Some of these odd jobs may include bus driver, campground host, hotel clerk, cutting hair, or substitute teaching.  Whatever you do, it's suggested that you find a job with a high wage, so you can do it part time.

For me, I've found working in education and human services/mental health fields to be rewarding financially.  At times each have not been rewarding emotionally.  In education I deal with youth, it can be hard, they can be lazy, and everyone makes bad decisions.  Mental health has it's moments too; intense situations, arguing patients, issues with family members, etc. etc. etc.

However recently I put out a tweet I didn't expect to get much from.  But there it was, writers from

all over talking about their wonderful and/or horrible side gigs.  I am still amazed, still in awe; to date there have been over 8000 impressions and counting.  Now I'm not sure if that's viral (probably not) but it does make me feel damn good about the wonderful #WritingCommunity on Twitter!!

I mean there were teachers, SPED teacher, professors, field engineers, HVAC technician, legal assistants medical assistants and students of all kind!

One person checked in and said they worked in hell (ha!)  Not really, their hell was a call center; but if it had goats, then it would be a different story.  There was another who said he was a male dancer--I understand, it takes all types. There were even some lobbyist (for non-profits), and sufferers of PTSD and CPTSD. There was even a guy there who like me, who busted out two jobs--think he was a firefighter and doing construction.

Connections are amazing!  They are the beginnings of our stories, or little reminders that we are not alone, or reads that make us chuckle, then get back to the grind.  It is good to know that the community is strong, and though there are obstacles (like hellish jobs) we continue to write.  We continue to imagine, continue to write, continue to connect with each other in weird and wonderful ways. 

So keep banging out those odd jobs, pay the bills, and write till the blood in your veins is nothing more than the word you have left on your paper.  I go by poet402, and I approved this message!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

This is father-hood

It is 16 hour days split between two jobs; a classroom full of teens, and a milieu full of crazy--schizophrenic patients to be p.c.  It is a toddler who was a preemie, who you can't say no to, even when she says 'ma-ma' with a French accent repeatedly.  It is 25 minutes in the morning, 50 minutes in the afternoon, and about  40 minutes past 11, smoking wonderful cigarettes behind the drivers seat of a 99 Cadillac, riding.

This is father-hood.

There is no such thing as time off, no such thing as true rest, no such thing as me time.  It's no longer about me.  It's about the girls.  By the time old number 19 rolls in right after 20, there will be three. Two under 2, one over 18 (have no worry that's the beautiful wife), and my old ass, the only man in the house, with locs graying with each giggle, thud and diaper change.

This is father-hood.

The house is constantly rockin',  me up at 6:30 (if lucky), gone by 6:55; Mom coffee at 7:15 (if lucky) then it's toddler time.  PT, OT, up the steps, down the steps, waddle waddle waddle, play-date, lunch time, laundry, and if she's lucky, the toddler naps.  There are texts at lunch, sometimes a call, sometimes face-time on the road to "crazy", but rarely there is time for us.  I miss her, and at times thinks she misses me, when she has the time; we play dominoes sometimes, and other times shadows touch gently behind closed doors.

This is father-hood.

There is Saturday morning when she gets to wake up, and I am there.  The soft da-da wrapped in a toddling French accent is there, bright and early on a day I could sleep in.  But I haven't heard that da-da live in 5 days, so it's like ice cream for my ears.  I am always happy to hear that sound. Usually tired, usually wanting more sleep, or time alone, I am happy to see her face, and have coffee with mom.  Time is like a T-Rex bone, you don't run across that shit every day.  Saturday mornings are good times.

This is father-hood.

It is ensuring the roof, the lights, the heat, the floor, and fluffy blankets (more for comfort than warmth), are there.  It is enjoying smiles other than your own, all under one roof.  It is knowing things could have gone another way; being happy it didn't, even when times are bleak, or when emotions are angry.  It is missing mom and baby's face, as pay days create waves that bring us closer to "forever houses".  It is easy and not, responsibility and being silly, learning for her, mom, and me; it is joy.  It is something I thought I knew but never had a clue.

It is the best position I will ever hold.

This is fatherhood.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Gonna Edit My Smile Back

Lines from edited and unedited's my poetry, I'll do what I like

is rarely golden for
any artist--
especially one, infatuated, elated, & motivated
by word play, tones &
For every action...
Would love to give you
2 bits of poetry,
2 bits of can--
be convoluted in can't so much
you'd be giving me
one helluva hand...
I've been celebrated & cherished;
corrupted, co-opted, & hated
But when I look in the mirror
I can still see greatness...
We work,
like ants marching
from recently used picnic grounds,
with gathered particles of nutrients
nestled on our backs...
Renew the belief
& grab the pad &
never left, just sat back
in shadows.
Now's the time
to be--

When those final winds
come whipping down, you thought you had it
But that cream came rising to the top
toppling your dreams...
And life changed
as the country changed
and the ship that
seemed to Hope,
couldn’t float, and like waves
we took to the street—...
would not adequately describe
the feeling
if a conversation ensued about:
being rooted, or
belief, or extension of belief
or, or life’s journey, or progressive thought &
perceptions, or commitment...
For we are
the people,
& poets, protestors,
& victims of 
amassed by 
factors, the federal gov'ment

Monday, October 15, 2018

Poetry. Yep, Just Poetry

Untitled (10/12/18)

Ask me if I care today
But only
if you’re seeking honesty;
For I can & will be blunt
like a downtown Denver dispensary
w/adversarial undertones
tied to sharp knives
just to dig under your skin.
Today ain’t the day for
sun-rays & laid back,
“nothing bothers me today”
response to the masses…
Today asses is grasses
& giggling psychotics can
get on their knees &.....

Some days we want to quit, & say
fuck it, I give in.
But the little pieces of our soul
which was broken in bad situations says:
fuck That.
We are here to play on!
So we say
play on,
to overplayed miserable marriages,
& do it for the sake of
forsaken children.
We say play, on
to power plays played by
erratic employment bosses
in un-winnable situations of
under-value & faux appreciation.
Play on lil playa,
see, we play for keeps,
so you can keep
lazy, foul,
excuse riddled reasons for
failure in your mother’s pocket-book.

Because it is not our job to
work harder for your success
than you will.

There are days,
when we wake and are like
fuck this, fuck that;
and other days
just before we slumber and we’re like
to hell with that; tomorrow will be here
with new sun rises,
new rotations.

But it is us, who will be
stagnant, or
It is us who will taste sweet flavors,
or savor the bitterness
of defeat.

So today I rock me,
uncaring with contorted face from
insufferable flavors, knucked deep
on my tongue.
Accepting my despair, but not
moving in, not getting
comfortable, not unpacking and
living there.  Just
having a small cup of coffee,
rising up from the hole
I created…
then moving on

Untitled (Completed sometime this month)

4:30, eyelids getting heavy
like they are
enormous boulders on eyelashes
Energy crashing; need
caffeine pick-up like
pick-up line partyers
use when nose candy
goes scarce.
But this ain’t about those stairs;
we get high in different ways.
Blaze up that app
& place peepers on
numbers representing
phat bank accounts.
We work twice
for the amount.
Don’t need no accolades
just make sure that
full amount hits direct deposit
on pay-days &,
that way, we won’t
have no problems.