"Personal Branding," it's what people know about you, what you give them, what is presented to them. It's not a new concept, the term became popular around '97.
As authors and writers, our brand can be important. It gives immediate information about what you do, or what you write. In the case of writers its important because your genre has to do with your brand.
You say you're a writer, but what do you write? Articles, Horror, Romance, Sci-Fi, Literary Fiction, Poetry, Short Stories...what do you write?
For me, the name sums it up. Poet402, on Twitter it's @former402poet. So what's up with the former402poet name--? That's a tale for a different post. However, I have branched out from poetry to guest-blogging, writing short stories, and even a couple of books.
In 2014 Forbes cited 7 things you need to do in order to build your brand; here they are in a nut-shell:
1. Start thinking of yourself as a brand. (What subject matter do you want to be perceived as an expert in?)
2. Audit your online presence. (Be responsive to what is said)
3. Secure a personal website. (A place for your bio, resume, and links to your work)
4. Find ways to produce value. (Creating or curating content that's in line with your brand)
5. Be purposeful
6. Associate with other strong brands
7. Reinvent
I've gone through all that to really focus in on #7--Reinvent. I have been running this blog with its up's and down's for the last 4 plus years. No help, just hard work, sweat, and dedication to my craft.
I now want this blog to stand out more It's my platform, more than ever before and I need it to shine a little bit. So I thought a new way to do this would be to:
Create A New Logo!!!
But because I love the support I have received over the years, and through the magic of social media, I would love for YOU to help me choose the new logo
I have narrowed the field down to four. And please forgive me, but I did begin the polling on Instagram yesterday, so there is a slight lead for one of them. However we'll keep the polling open for the next week on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Here we go, up first Choice A
Next Candidate, Choice B
Next Candidate, Choice C
Next Candidate Choice D
There you have it folks!
So all you have to do is log into your google and leave a comment for which logo you like best!
Thanks and looking forward to your vote