We could speak on
saddle stitchin' 7-year-olds
holdin' down buckin' broncos
with a pair of fresh J's on the shelf
and a real nice pair of boots
protectin' 10 toes...
Or go space-age love story
with sweeping strokes
of star-dust, that
in comparison to your beautiful
soul; always get lost in your eyes.
(yeah right)
We could speak on
Being in the moment
and enjoying the eyes and outlines
of mother and newborn baby.
Or imagine a day when
perfection is at the intersection
of Eternal and Happy,
float-walking with loved ones;
on thick, water rushed sands
being sucked out between gripping toes
as the tide rolls out, and
baby teeth filled smiles
roll in
We could speak on
follies and floundering;
self-doubt while searching for
a Loch Ness monster, you know is real.
Be calm. Be still.
Listen to your best heart,
then follow.
Or we could
rally the rhythm
in your soul
dominating dance moves
barefoot under fresh dust clouds
creating energy
creating breath
creating feeling
creating joy
creating me
creating you
creating we