But is it fuel? yea, yes. Absolutely.
It's taken time to understand how this fuel is a creation. Sitting and stewing does no good. Writing is good, creating is good, your truth is amazing. But time consuming; not profitable.
I tried. I failed. It hurt. Went live earlier & off a few comments and a couple of views I posted. 1/2 ass promoted and thought something would happen.
It didn't. It was disappointing, yet it was honest. It was experience.
As a writer I'm emotional. As an author, I care about sales. And am emotional.
I used to say my books, my poems and work were my children. Now they're not. My actual babies put me through so much more.
So take that social media. Take that so-called supporters who never showed.
I know this is poetry. And poetry doesn't sell. And poets have hard roads. I don't mind being outside your "creators/creatives" circle.
I am speaking my truth. It comes from a place of pain. It has a price. It comes from a place of desolation.
I accept me. My family's financial well-being is not hung on this.
Disappointed? yea. yes. Absolutely.
But more disappointed in me being half ass, and trusting in
half-ass support.
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