Friday, November 22, 2024

Rain Poem (in 3 parts

Peace peace,

So I try and write every day.  One of the things I try and do daily is an online exercise called #vss365.  It stands Very Short Story 365 days a year.  It gives a word prompt and you get to create from it. This exercise keeps me pretty motivated to write.

In any case the word for today was "rain" so I did a couple poems, and a concept based on that.  So like, enjoy the damn video already! lol 


Saturday, November 9, 2024

Celebrate Your Books, No Matter Their Age

 We must celebrate our  books often.  Celebrate them on snow days and sunny ones.  Celebrate them with videos and readings and music!  I'm celebrating my book, Fire Molten & Ash today with this video.  So celebrate with me, watch, listen, buy and read!

Click this link to buy

(also it's my birthday month, and this would be a great present for me...and You!...or like the book lover in your life)