Monday, May 5, 2014

5-4 Update!!....and poetry

Well, well, here we are once again, updating the last bit of blog we got folks.  It's 5-4-14 around 12 AM, and I am doing my damn-dest to get this done and get it out.  I want to give thanks to anyone who has come by and checked out the blog, the doodles, and the poetry.  Even if you are not commenting, you're at least viewing, and that is a big help.  I do appreciate comments, so don't be afraid to comment.  I'm actually sitting here watching the muppet most wanted movie because I kept telling myself that I was going to go and watch it, but when I went out today, I never made it to the movies...sad face.  It has been a hell of a week, but on to the doodles...I'll get to the week as the doodles go on....

So Wed the 23rd wasn't too bad of a day, the kids did what they needed to do, and overall the week was pretty good...but that wasn't last week--the week of the 1st....onto Monday.  Sorry I don't have doodles for Thurs. the 24th or Friday the 25th; I did attend work, but I must have been

Monday was a trip because I had hella errands to run so I wasn't really focused on the room, however, Mr. G. did continue to prep the boys for our first ever sub.  She will be there this week, on Wed, Thurs, and Fri, so there may not be doodles, but hopefully I'll be able to post some stuff.  Also on Monday, I was looking at my horoscope and I learned a new word which fits me perfectly: Plegmatic!!  It means not easily excited; calm composed.  I thought it was fitting, so I did a doodle around it, and tried to make a scorpio....that didn't work out too well the next

I had to combine Tues and Wed because we were re-affirming good decision making to our boys.  They continue struggling with their behaviors ie rudeness, entitlement, etc, but we continue keeping on them.  Also on these days, I was doing some clothes shopping because it was close to the end of the month and I was suffering from my shopping addiction.  However, our children do love structure even though they fight against it tooth and nail.  Also on these two days, I began training at EYC for supervisor sub.  I was dog ass tired all week, but I worked it out!!

Thursday was the first of May, and I was late due to having to run around and getting my rent paid.  My apartment complex is on some bs and I gotta go through ACE check cashing to pay my rent, it ridonkulous, but I had to do it....side note, the muppet movie is classic muppet shenanagans...I love it!!!  Also on Thursday I got a email from a band that I had started to set some things up, (or so I thought) and then they flipped the script and said that I was too much of an artist to be a sax player with their band.  It irritated the shit out of me, and I'm going to work on a response poem for them.  But yea, Thursday was good in the fact that I was nearing the end of my week--I was, dog ass tired.

Friday, I ended up doing two doodle, one at school, one at EYC.  They're not too detailed because I was working and on top of stuff.  So the week was rough, and hecktic, but I will love my check :)  I am going to leave you with this poem I'd been working on, and posted on facebook, so I hope u enjoy it....and hopefully next week won't be too peace and hair-grease till next week!!

Gone are smokey lounges and
platform shoes, with big hair
under disco balls.
Ramona is no longer brave,
Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys
failed to solve the mystery, as
young eyes become
increasingly old
soft, glowing, touch activated
no longer exist--
So….how do I cite that
website, again?

There is
no more,
“or else”

the pages teachers are on,
are not
the same books administrators use.

Expired are teachers
Little House on the Prairie dresses
Misters with neck ties and
tight buttoned collars.
is the teaching of respect.

are two parent households.

is the strap, or

A two-fold tool
that daddies had;
because he wore the pants, and
because he was discipline.

is the stability
of two parent households.

Mamas are still around--(though)
changing, evolving, or
as the case may be.
Sending their girls to school
like they’re
“ladies of the night”,
strollin’ the street.
Little boys,
not much better,
waddling side to
side, like
fat ducks
on rippled waves
can’t rise
to the occasion.

AWOL seems to be
the community;

no mo’ candy lady, or
Aunties in windows all night.
We just,
neighborhood watchin’
ready to fight
when hooded youngsters come around….
Entitled to our gun because
the government told you to
Stand Your Ground.

AWOL seems to be
the community;

we got
preachers for profit,
doin’ more than
store-front screamin’,
they gettin’ down on
reality t.v.
And apparently,
catholic preachers
took a powder, pumpin’
little boys,
full of sin.
God may be an absentee land-lord,
as christians hold on to
the tale of the
second comin.

Gone are
smoky lounges and
platform shoes;
no more
“or else”;
un-present are
two parent households,
along with discipline,
respect and stability;
AWOL is the community,
and god is,
an absentee landlord.

Moral standard
which would seem to
last forever,
has sunken into soil
sprouting a yield
which is a far cry from
“the greatest generation,”
atomic revolutions,
and great-grand-babies
of integration.
No longer do we
actually hope, or
actualize change
in our cornea’s REM moments,
veiled under skin.

Alarm clock sounds
causing the opening of pores
and moments of
never more, continue.

©2014 C.Barbee

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