Today, we celebrate the "Coco Horse!!" ...eh, not really, but I wanted something to celebrate. In any case, I did want something to celebrate, so of course I Googled national celebration days, and guess what came up. Today is "National Coco Day" and "National Day of the Horse". I put two and two together and came up with
"National Day of the Coco Horse!!" A little wacky, but whatev's, it's Wednesday, and I'm at work, with my wonderful students in Credit Recovery.

So the other day I was looking at some numbers regarding my blog, this blog, the doodle with your poodle writings, and I realized I've been doing this since 2013, but haven't even reached 100 post.
This is a very sad fact. The other sad fact that was realized is that I haven't reached 10 post for the year. So in honor of that, or to rectify that (whichever you feel more comfortable using) I have decided to make a post this week!! Also to make sure I reach at least 10 post, I will continue to write (even random ish that may not make much sense) till at least December 31st and put it on the blog, this blog, the Doodle With My Poodle blog.
So with that decision, I thought it might be nice to get back to basics, and basics being
DOODLES!! I started this blog all those wonderful years ago because I was doodling while I was working with emotionally overwhelmed youth at a middle school. It was called an Affective Needs classroom, and we had less than 12 students most of the day, and year.

I was pretty bored at times, and had time on my hand so I started doing doodles. But now (like 4 years later) I still find myself blogging, just less about the kids and their issues, but more about other stuff because I'm no longer working there.

However, I am working with kids still, just not AN kids, and I am still working in the mental health field, just not with kids. During the day (as you could tell from my Instagram, if you followed me there,
hint hint) I work at NCAS (its an art school) with high school students who need to recover their credit. And in the evening I work at a mental health hospital for the state of Colorado. (I like to stay pretty busy) In any case, I was working at the hospital, and found myself with a little bit of down-time and was able to come up with this amazing DOODLE!! It's part poem and part doodle. Some of the patients at the hospital,
have impulse issues as well as entitlement issues. So a big part of my
day is telling them
No, and things they
cannot do. It become annoying, but in life, there must be some type of structure. So just above this sentence, and to the right you will find the amazing doodle. I just realized you can't really read the poem, so below I'll write it out for you, in all it's colorful splendor. I hope you have a great and wonderful day. And be on the lookout for more blog-post from me for the end of the year!!
I Cope, You Cope
(You May Not)
Not on a bus
Not if you fuss
Not if you cry
Not if you lie
Not if you stomp
Not if you stare
Not if you cut off,
all your hair
You may not
with a sheep
You may not
when you sleep
You may not
when you're born
You may not
with an ear of corn
You may not
if you rap
You may not
while riding a cat
You may not
with a hat
You may not
Not if you yell
Not if you scream
you can only do it
when you dream...
You may not
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