Granted, this kid is obviously oppositional defiant, but this illustrates exactly why I love working with oppositional defiant children. Not only does this child not like school, he has the ability to express it in such a intelligent fashion. He has labeled the school, he has a wrecking ball ready to smash it, and to top it all off, my man has protesters out front saying school is a leagel....or illegal! What 4th grader has the gall to go up to the board, uninvited, while the teacher is teaching, draws this on the board, and then signs it?!!? Lovely, if I would had been the teacher, I don't think I would of sent him out, I think I would of let him finish and then address why he drew it, and had a conversation about timing.
I think this gave me a lot of inspiration to do this site. Our children say and do the damn-dessss things; they display courage, and the ability to call b.s., b.s, when they see it. They express themselves inappropriately sometimes, however their message always comes across loud and clear.
Below are some doodles and poetry, I hope you are enjoying my site and stuff, please feel free to comment.

We fly snap dragons
on Tuesday, be gone
from grand-dads earthdae
to cousin Erma's homecoming
shrink down, ant size
hitch a ride on the eastern-
most snowflake
takin the southern-route
to the Florida-Georgia border
ridin' two
turtles headin'
up-stream by
way of the
Henry Hudson
I am
master manipulator
movin' mountains by my might
wish me to do some
work--may take
me all damn day
You choose to play
child games, but
claim you're a young
teachers rackin' their
brain on how to
reach you,
before you reach that
It's not all about skills
that cope, sometime it's
teachin' you to stay awake
and use your mind;
we gotta get you to float.
For some of you would
rush to waters at 18 and
immediately sink.
Unable to access lessons
learned because you
refuse to think
You are no longer a baby
once you master
walking, talking,
and the control of your bowels
even if your attitude
is shit
You still need to learn
your vowels
they create
corners & pockets
to pack in emotion
& experience
under extreme
climate change
Changing children creep
through calenders, sometimes
attempting to revert when
new pregnancies pop into the
She said she was very
Zen, & having amoment;
as she opened
the door for us,
carrying 5 freshly emptied,
but not so
fresh smelling
purple recycling
We were
2 small, hot coco's
3 chai's
and an extra coffee--
I believe.
Mornings in the moment
can be beautiful
Never plan to be
somewhere for so
long, but then
you get involved; co-
workers become friends,
becomes an intrest, a date;
(she relates love to your
face) then you get scared
& she leaves. Never planned
to stay, but love lost became
friends who were co-workers
who noticed you weren't
happy & did their best
to keep you sane.