New day, new year, and so many hopeful aspirations. My doodles are just chronicles of my day. As I’ve stated before, I am a server of children. I am a employee of a public school here in Colorado, and a employee of a girls treatment center and group home. Yes I do aspire for more as well. I am a poet, essayist. and writer of short stories.
After having stumbled three years ago I have risen from my knees atop a great mountain of potential that I yearn to see to fruition. My goals for this upcoming year are these: 1. Retain both jobs, 2. Perform out of town with poetry and my sax (Mona Jezebel, 3. Change my part-time job of working at the treatment center to one of either performing and/or motivational speaking.
I am almost half a month into this new year, and not any closer to these goals. I am no fool, I will be needing help from anyone who comes across this blog, or my soundcloud page, or facebook, or any social media information that I am putting out. I need you to comment, spread the word, or have me come to your show and perform. If you are in the industry of working with youth, at-risk youth especially, please contact me, so I may address your staff or children.
I wish you all a very dear and wonderful good year. My name is Clarence, aka ‘nabraska’, I have approved this message, and look forward to hearing from you soon. In the mean time, please scroll down and enjoy the doodles and poetry.
He’s being
tryin’ to
ruin my
dream of
doin nothin’
tryin’ to
make me
accountable w/goals
of gettin’ to college
some of us
choose to sleep
our life away
if we are not
prodded to wake-up
and make something
out of life
Refuse to
show my blues to you
All you get is
mean mugs, hooded head
& shifting eyes—
if I choose to make
eye contact—
Fuck this; you done
already snapped on
ole boy about dude…..
I see how this do;
Refuse to show
you my blues,
I just put my head
& show you, I’m through.
I see
head on arm;
arm over eyes,
chin resting on
two stacked fist
& one chin resting
on book
No one reading
seeing too many
pairs of eyes

If I color
like a child
my creativity w/changes
has a better chance
to maintain itself &
She was ok
w/her attacker
going to jail.
Felt guilty about
all the time
he got b/c of
Said he kept her in
a small cardboard like box,
for no good reason.
kidnapping dogs
ruin little
Doodle created at girls treatment center; Friday night 1.10.14
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