Instead of doing my usual #vss365 piece, I've decided to do a 3 word generated poem, and as you can tell from the video below, the words are: large, fall, and load
Last day
of the month
celebrate 337
Large land mass
stolen with gun powder
from the east &
small pox from
unclean Europeans
They fall
unlike angels from
morals fall faster
than wishes for better
life, and destinies manifested
Lock & load
enslave, whip, beat
Lock & load
freedoms fought for
never really won
Lock &load
black codes, segregate
burn black towns
Lock & load
cops blue black billy club
spills red
teachers blonde
bully but don't educate
cells built en masse
filled to capacity
The ballot failed,
no shell casings on the ground
The sheep sit,
in arm-chairs...
The questions awaits its
©2025 C. Barbee
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