Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Updates & Indie Learning Curves--2025 Style

 It's been one hell to the start of 2025.  I'm learning a lot this year, not only about myself, but who my writing self is, who my artist self is, how he gets down, and how he interacts with me.  

For any who know me, and I mean like know know me they know I love my Twitter (yep, still call it that). It's been a source of lifeblood for a very long time. I won't go into great detail, but social media-wise, it's where I like to hang out. Social media for any indie artist (I think) is pretty crucial to their life, or livelihoods. So I post a lot, I promote there mainly. Unfortunately, it hasn't generated a best-seller for me. In any case I haven't quit, but I'm learning to adjust. 

I have recently learned how to upload my book onto my website with a storefront and all that. This has been a game-changer for me. I have always been a believer of getting something from the source, rather than                             

second hand (retail). Are my books still on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and all those other great places?--yep, but for credibility. I understand that people trust these places, the big boxes, and I'm just not a big box. However, I am beginning to find more customers through social media, that are buying directly from me!

This is where the learning is really beginning to be a thing for me. Other than creating my own store-front I'm starting to reach out to people differently. For the longest I was against email list and newsletters--ugh--but not any more. Yesterday I was finally able to add an email sign up list to my website. Now granted I had to get the word out via social media (twitter and IG) but the point is, I'm trying to enter a different chapter so to speak. So in honor of that, my logo goes in this post along with the big box boys and girls!

Color scheme is usually a part of branding, so I've kept the same colors, even though I've branched out with different logos. The tag line of "Creative Authentic Lit" has remained the same though.

I mention these lessons because I'm also working on a NEW PROJECT! I've learned that you have to stay relevant, or at least in visible. This is why I'm working hard on staying visible; continue posting, updating the blog etc. One of the big lessons I've learned about self-publishing is if you don't talk about your work (book, new music, new art--whatever) then no one will know that it exist.

So I'm announcing here 1st, that I am working on a project. I'm not going to divulge any secrets about the work, but know that it's coming soon, and I'm excited about it. It's been almost 10 years since I've self-published my first book, and around 5 years since publishing my last book, so it's time to do another project. 

Ya'll know spoken word is near and dear to my heart, so I might get back in the studio, I also have a huge love for art, so it might be some art-work...I'll leave the suspense for further post. 

I am doing my best to live my best life, and when I am able to create, my best life elevates. I am grateful for people who have come into my life, grateful for those who left, grateful for those who might return, and of course grateful for people who will come into my life new. 

If you are new to reading this blog, WELCOME! If you are a person who just "discovered" me like Columbus--WELCOME! I humbly ask you check out my website  I have my books there along with some other great products. And if you are an old-head who's been following me, or is a friend who has supported my--THANK YOU, and WELCOME.  

I look forward to bringing in new things for this new year, and enjoying all that life will bring. Don't forget to follow me, and yo'...LEAVE A COMMENT (I be checkin' on stuff like that :) 

Until next time 

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