Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Holy Toledo Batman, it's already September 3rd!!!!  Well needless to say, this is the first blog of the new school year!!!---Hip hip....Hoooraayyy!! Right, right??  

Well the year has started off pretty good and pretty smooth.  Due to the fact of having a second job, I was only at the school Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  So that was ok, and all, but I really would had preferred to be at GBMS!!  Upon the meetings and "so how was your summer?" we learned we would only have like four kids.  So it was told to us, that those four would be going out to classes and such.  Therefore we (as paras) would be going and supporting classes and what-not.  And that sounded all well and good; my only concern was when I was told there would be a possibility that I would have to "fill-in" when necessary.  Granted, I don't have an issue with that, but I would like to receive sub-pay if that situation occurs.  Eh...it is what it is.  So there is a doodle, I believe, somewhere in one of the three notebooks, I've been using, however there won't be one right now. 

Right now, there is poetry.  I started writing this poem earlier this week, and I think I finished it today...if its good with you great, if not, I'll still be fine-tuning it, so stick around, it may get better. 

A Few Days....

When your walls ain't 
and all four pockets contain a bit more
than lint, 
listen to that calling.
It's more than the clothes,
& toys, & gadgets, & gifts;
have you found peace, have you 
found happiness?
Is it hounding you 
hanging from brand new hooks,
freshly purchased from your 
amazon wish list?
Last time I checked,
amazon doesn't sell joy.
I google things; 
cars, clothes, people, and a bit of bling (from time to time)
and many often times beauty.
But the results for beauty 
are never what I want.
My beauty is rarely found
in the faces of so-called super-models.
Naomi Cambell can take a back-seat to 
and Heidi Klum can hardly compare 
to new buds on a freshly potted
potato plant

Don't drown, swim hard; 
Some epithets and sayings 
can be words of wisdom;
a lowered hand can be a helping hand,
helping you up, saving your soul.
For life can be a 
succubus of issues
crashing your karma
till nothing is left 
but drift wood in rivers
with 3 eyed catfish
void of whiskers-you 
you still have wishes. 
Hope is out there somewhere
Just don't seek it out on  
Amazon, or Google--
You might want to get real analog,
step out your door,
and physically ask your neighbor...
Hi, my name is Poet402,
do you mind if I ask you something
Hope you guys liked it.  

If you guys wanna hear it, check out my soundcloud....