Friday, March 16, 2018

A poem for students who Marched in March

 We seek sanity,
in insane times.
We want security,
in unsafe situations.
We want justice,
from politician who just
don't know the meaning.

Leaning is urged,
shoulder to shoulder
so souls will be comforted,
and these bitter times will not
be so cold.

Students flooding streets
because their school
is a crime site;
bullet holes in chem class,
blood on the stage.

And on the hill they sit,
elected, and fat,
looking for shadows because
bank statements show
three lettered supporters--

Rhymes with
'how many kids
did you kill today'

Monday, March 5, 2018

Things I Don't Normally Do

I don't usually do things like this, it's just not my nature.  But we sacrifice and compromise for things we care about, and most definitely for people we care about.  So here goes.

Just about a year ago, I became a father for the 1st time--dope right?  Well my baby is a lot like her mother and myself, she lacks patience.  I like to joke like that because her arrival has been the roughest road I've ever traveled.  

Makenzie was born about 2 and 1/2 month early, making her a very preemie baby.  She was just over a pound at birth, doctors had to place all kind of different tubes and needles in her very delicate skin, and to top things off, me and her mother weren't able to hold her for several weeks

I tip my hat to anyone who has to go through the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit).  We ended up spending  65 days there before getting released.  

So I agreed to help raise money for The March of Dimes, The March for Babies.  They are a great organization who helps families and of course babies.  

Being a parent for the first time and wondering if your baby is going to make it through the night is a hell of a thing, it's the kind of thing I will fight and walk for, to ensure they are few and far between. 

So my lady has set up Makenzie's page so you can walk with us on April 21st 2018, or you can donate a tax-deductible donation.  Here is the link that you can go to and donate.

I titled this post, Things I Don't Normally Do, because I don't usually involve myself in fundraising and things.  You may be the same way, you may be the type who doesn't get involved.  However, for the new year,  you may have resolved to do some things different.  This is a great opportunity to do that.  So come out on the 21st or donate--it can be as little as $5!

Remember, nothing is more important more precious than a new born life.  Thanks for reading, and thanks for donating!

Clarence & Makenzie