Tuesday, February 4, 2014

January's Doodles and Days

So....I'm a bit behind on posting, sorry 'bout that.  Howver, the last week in January's posting are finally here!!!  I wish I had a bit more poetry, but really writings are more scratchings at this point.  But I will be working on things, revisin', making words fit better...On to the doodles!

So Monday came and left, the boys were pretty good.  They just did what they always do; procrastinate, and work avoidance.  Where's the Effort boys??

So I'm not sure what I was on, on Tuesday.  However, I do think I was doing some readings on blackface and lynchings.  Also been doing a lot of research on Colorado SPED and stats of enrolled young black males. 

I liked this doodle so much I had to use it twice, and spice it up a bit.

Now thinking back on the day, my boys were being lazy.  It made me feel that no matter how hard I try, some of my boys will never understand how some dues were already paid and you need to give thanks....

Now I do remember Wednesday was great weather wise!  I had playground duty and one of the kids outside was quoted as saying, "He called me a ass terd!!"  He said it so emphatically I had to turn away.

I also do remember discussing the (at the time) upcoming superbowl.  I do remember working on math, and the point spread.  Remember I work with AN kids, they understand gamblin' and math

Thursday, we did a lock-down drill.  It is Colorado, I remember doing tornado drills--not the same, but the world we live in has always been with dangers.  Also Thursday many of us were sick, as was I.

Oh This Post Ain't Done Yet....Scroll Down Sucka!!!

So a few weeks back my teacher Mr. Gilbert found this wonderful site, but I wasn't too sure if it was for the kids or what.  Its called Wordle  Now I have to admit as a lover of words, this site is infectious.  Check out the site, from the link I gave.  Below are some scans from what little I've done on the site, I think its pretty dope...

Ain't this ish dope as hell???

I wanted to put up some more of these, but right now my computer must be tired or something, so this has to be it for now folkers.  Please come back next week when we discuss the letter T.  YAAAAYYYY!!!!...good night fair people.

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