Monday, April 27, 2020

3+1 4 the 27 (some of this poetry gon' make yo' head hurt)

Long ass title for a blog post...absolutely!  But it's where I am, where I be.  I hope you be at peace, as I be on my ebonics...great, glad the auto-correct caught that. And in honor of that, if you come across a typo, let it go, and give thanks you got new shit to read.  In any case,  real ass in the moment poetry is here on display.  Some of this made it to the notebook...some of it, made it straight to the google doc...but as Ceely said all 'dem years ago...But I'm here though, I'm here!!  Enjoy.

I’m not a poet
this, is not a gift
experiences I’ve had 
that uplifted some,
was false.

But like some boss
I rise everyday 
for history and family
to stay--
2 bedroom town-home
owner of all this.

Etch on my headstone
provider before father 
for no pandemic,
lyrics of this life 
we live
I want to work
and keep paying the bills
On time, my time
fatherhood a bitch

But relentless I am 
in my quest 
against the i am that i am,
am i, so competitive.

Poet without profit
Prophet without trees
It ain’t easy to find 
stability in this 
20/20 reality.
See, is was already 
before 19 hit, 
45 had the country divided 
like a playground 
full of kids.

So this be my offering
for challenge of 30/30,
from cornfields 
to the dirty, to 
clean mountain air; 
in the mirror I stare
& ponder…

maybe I’m not
a poet.

Gonna place this 
spoken word piece, 
but slightly scared to 
let voices ring,
ain’t been in rings 
where voices fly free,
no one ever told me
how lock down
would level up 
that level of 
Or how social distancing 
from that stage would be 
so detrimental,
got my mental so mutilated
my dad box 
is hated by the reflection 
I see.

Oh, I see
says Dad’s ghost,
wish he were here to guide me
help me, 
give some kind of 
words of advice, 
I’m out here naked
trying to do what’s right.
And it ain’t easy,
like Pac said,
but now I’m Dad
trying to keep a peace

Smoke too much 
arguin’ too, 
hey yo’ pops, 
is this just a part of journey 
Wanna step away, but 
don’t trust this lady too much,
was this the way 
you was feelin’
when you and mom’s situation
hit the dust?
I’m curious, I’m open
done with that reefer tokin’ 
I’m just tryin’ to understand…
what kind of hell did you went through
to become 
such a hell of a man? 

Say we,
all goin through it,
that covid-19,
where dreams of 2020
fucked up the seam.
Re-stitch, ain’t that 
a bitch,
tear it up, throw out the thread
everyone’s fixin’s 
a new lick.
New hustle, new side-piece,
new under the sun
But some is stable, 
just batten down the 
ensure animal safety
be key,
for others it’s being ‘bout them 
Cause that’s the next step right,
meat packin’ plants 
shuttin’ down, 
because sanitation efforts 
is light.
No one’s right, we all 
dead ass wrong,
no one’s been down this road
we all singin’ different songs.
Well this one here,
it’s for the soul,
locked out in the cold
in lay-off lines, 100 years untold,
if you don’t dig;
kids wiggin’ out online, 
stressin’ out, not givin’ time to 
smokin’ wit’ they buddies--
shit, we all just tryin’ to 
get through this.
If you feelin’ pissed,
take a breath deep
whether mama or daddy
auntie or uncle,
we ten toes deep,
in some shit we ain’t neva 
been through.
So give yourself 
a muthafuckin’ break.

If it’s 3 for the 27, 
it’s nine times dope 
deain’ with division
and multiplication for some 
real ass hope.
But for four, there’s more 
because 28 is in store and 
this one might be the one 
left over.
But tomorrow is like rover 
on the dig for his, 
so may not be no post, on the poetry
on the biz
On the most Apr got 30
for your dome,
almost home--
lost count sometime around 
night before last,
that’s two times if you countin’ 
so this pen ink,
I’m hopin’ gon’ last.
For it’s 2 days left,
27 ain’t counted,
we ain’t roundin’
like corners, but if we were,
it be 90 degrees
like  20 year histories 
we thought we’d be 
thought the weather would be 
more than tryin’ to figure the 
math life at 11:16 at night
remindin’ us of that tru love,
two behind the future’s past,
one minute later...nigga like me
just wanna laugh…
so go ‘head, and fuck with
that math.

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